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About Stacey Stoner

Health & Fitness Coach

I created Finish Line Coaching because I am a passionate advocate for health, fitness and well-being. With a Masters in Kinesiology, my training is to help others set goals and get in shape. The foundation of balanced wellness lies within exercise and fitness. Bringing this information to others and helping them achieve the best version of themselves by reaching their health goals — is my goal.​

Other training and certification includes:

I have also worked as a Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, Team in Training Coach, a Weight Watchers Leader and a Community College Health & Fitness Instructor.

An avid runner and fitness enthusiast, I’ve completed:

  • 21 marathons
  • 15+ half-marathons
  • 1 triathlon

Running has been transformative in my life. I turn to running for stress relief, to clear my head, solve problems and for the pure joy of feeling my body in motion — strong and alive.

Fitness has been a very important part of my life and I can help you make it an important part of yours. With Finish Line Coaching, you too can experience the positive, life changing and transformative changes of reaching your goals! So, What’s Your Goal!?